Expedition: Museum of the Bible

By: Mark Gaither At long last, as travel restrictions lift, CSNTM hits the road again! In mid-December 2021, a team traveled to Houston Baptist University, where the Dunham Bible Museum has an extensive collection of early printed Greek New Testaments. (Look for news and image uploads soon.) Then, in January, Dr. Wallace led a smallContinue reading Expedition: Museum of the Bible

From the Library: Decorated Letters in Greek New Testament Manuscripts

By: Leigh Ann Thompson and Andrew J. Patton New Testament manuscripts are not only vehicles of Scripture passed down to future generations through careful copying, but also are repositories of many features that make them unique, beautiful, easy to navigate, and eye-catching. One of the most common features are ektheses—a visual marker that signifies the beginning ofContinue reading From the Library: Decorated Letters in Greek New Testament Manuscripts