Surrounded on all Sides by History: How the NET Bible Has Brought Textual Tradition Full Circle

By: Sarah Allen Image Source: NET Bible One of the most fascinating aspects of studying biblical manuscripts is the gateway they give readers into visually experiencing the historical accounts found in the gospels. Not only do the contents of the pages serve as snapshots of these narratives, but they also function as a window through whichContinue reading Surrounded on all Sides by History: How the NET Bible Has Brought Textual Tradition Full Circle

A Letter from Dan Wallace

By: Daniel B. Wallace I feel like a student in the class of a proverbially unreasonable professor. The prof gave a final exam, with one question: “Define the universe. Use three examples.” So much has happened in the last year at the Center! Where to begin? I think I’ll just give three examples. First, CSNTMContinue reading A Letter from Dan Wallace