New Manuscripts from the National Library of Greece and Website Updates!

New manuscripts digitized by the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM) have just been added to our searchable collection. These include 10 manuscripts from the National Library of Greece (NLG) in Athens, the site of our ongoing digitization project for 2015–16.

  • GA 77411th century minuscule of the Gospels on a high-quality vellum, with beautiful icons and gold lettering for ekthesis and special notations. The library’s 1892 catalogue describes this manuscript as “the most precious manuscript of the National Library, given by Georgios Ant. Geronta of Kastoria.”
  • GA 252513th century minuscule of the Gospels. Interestingly, only the first three verses (i.e. 7:53–8:2) of the periocope adulterae are included in this manuscript.
  • GA Lect 4259th or 10th century majuscule lectionary of the Gospels.
  • GA Lect 153011th century lectionary of the Gospels.
  • GA Lect 181612th century lectionary of the Gospels. Contains binding strips with text from another manuscript.
  • GA Lect 181816th century lectionary of the Gospels and Apostolos.
  • GA Lect 182316th century lectionary of the Gospels.
  • GA Lect 182516th century lectionary of the Gospels and Apostolos. The first seventy-one leaves of this manuscript are non-NT liturgical materials, written in a different hand than the lectionary which follows.
  • GA Lect 182611th century lectionary of the Gospels.
  • GA Lect 201516th century lectionary of the Gospels. This manuscript is complete with no missing leaves.

These images have now become part of our growing searchable library, which gives everyone free access to the best available digital images of New Testament manuscripts.

Website Updates

Along with the release of these new manuscripts, we want to make everyone aware of some new updates to the site.

  • We now have a direct link at the top and bottom of each page to Amazon for those who want to shop on Amazon and support CSNTM at the same time!
  • Also, we have added a feature to the bottom of our viewer, which allows someone to easily click between pages without having to navigate the thumbnails. 
  • Finally, for those of you who enjoy reading our blog, we have added a RSS feed, which can be found on the right hand side. This will enable you to easily follow updates from CSNTM.

As always, we are striving to provide more content and make your experience easier.

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