New Manuscripts Added to Our Searchable Library

New manuscripts have been added to our growing searchable library, as we continue working to make the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM)website more comprehensive and user-friendly.

Today’s release includes GA 2932, the newest manuscript discovery added to the Gregory-Aland catalogue at INTF. This manuscript is a single leaf from a 10th century minuscule of the Gospels, containing John 10:18–31. The manuscript is housed at Yale University’s Beinecke Library, and further information about it can be found here

Beinecke MS Leaves

This update also includes several previously released manuscripts, which have now been fully tagged. This means that any verse present in the manuscript can be found instantly. The fully tagged manuscripts are all from the National Library of Greece (NLG), the site of CSNTM’s ongoing digitization project. These include:

  • NLG 204: 9th-10th century; beginning of Mark; new discovery, single leaf palimpsest
  • GA 771: 10th century; Gospels with commentary; 153 leaves
  • GA 779: 12th-13th century; Gospels; 171 leaves
  • GA 788: 11th century; Gospels; 219 leaves
  • GA 798: 11th century; Gospels; 116 leaves
  • GA 1415: 12th century; Gospels; 189 leaves
  • GA 1418: 12th century; Gospels; 150 leaves
  • GA 1829: 10th century; Apostolos; 86 leaves

Today, we are also releasing several manuscripts from our archives into our digital library. The beginning of each biblical book and the major features have been tagged. Please note that most of these images are from microfilm. These manuscripts include:

One particularly beautiful MS is GA 11, a twelfth century minuscule of the Gospels housed at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. Shown below is an ornate and colorful headpiece for the Gospel of Luke, which exemplifies the beautiful artistry in this manuscript.

BNF MS Headpiece

More information about the manuscript can be found here.

All of these images have now become part of our growing searchable library, which gives everyone free access to the best available digital images of New Testament manuscripts.

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