Site icon The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts

New Technology, New Possibilities!

At CSNTM we aim to provide the highest quality and most helpful resources to improve our understanding of the New Testament text and its history. We, therefore, seek out the latest, most effective technology for safely preserving the precious historic documents that we work with.

CSNTM recently obtained a new piece of equipment specially designed to digitize microfilm and microfiche quickly and efficiently. While the mention of microfilm and microfiche may sound a bit old-fashioned, the process of digitizing the old rolls of film actually breathes new life into the images that were made on technology that’s rarely available today. The rolls or strips of microfilm and microfiche made decades ago hold images that one cannot view without the bulky and aged readers. Digitization, however, makes a digital image of the original photograph, and, thus, provides access for any device that can read and display a file.

In the mid-20th century, a few dedicated New Testament scholars worked tirelessly to microfilm thousands of New Testament manuscripts. The great abundance of microfilm images of New Testament manuscripts paired with the ability to digitize microfilm presents some incredible possibilities. Watch the video below as two members of the CSNTM research team, Denis Salgado and Preston Russell, discuss the impact that digitized microfilm can make on our understanding of the New Testament text and its history.

Exciting Opportunities to Digitize Microfilm of the New Testament

Like physical New Testament manuscripts, microfilms of New Testament manuscripts reside in institutions all over the world. The CSNTM team is currently conversing with two institutions that hold impressively large collections of microfilms of New Testament manuscripts. In the near future, we hope to begin examining the collections for digitization. As we move towards these opportunities, we need partners who will join us in the efforts. Unless we have the funds, we cannot continue forward with these projects. You can make it possible to digitally preserve hundreds of New Testament manuscripts that may otherwise remain completely inaccessible.

Right now is the perfect time! A generous friend has offered a challenge match of $75,000. That means that every gift up to $75,000 before the end of 2022 will DOUBLE. You can make an incredible contribution to these particular projects by joining us THIS YEAR!

Help PreserveNew Testament Manuscripts
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